That's Georgie goofing off in pic 1. Love her enthusiasm! She's gonna don a fake tan and maybe even (eek!) fake eyelashes for her role. Hashing out the blocking for scenes 1 and 2, thinking about our venue. Everything needs adjustment depending on what your venue has: backstage area, stairs, exits. This is when we take a script off the page and into reality. I find it an exciting and energizing process.
Still haven't mastered taking selfies. Goddess of Technology help me, I look awful in every single one I tried. Hoping we have the last of the video camera kinks worked out. Still need to see if my computer recognizes the files. Did find a great copyright free site to download some stock footage from. Michelle will be helping me shoot some rough vids. I need to know if I can capture my ideas on film. Too bad, though, that I didn't capture any vid last night. Best part: the absolute joy on Mattie's face as we ran and re-ran thru him horse playing with his little brother. Thomas was standing in for the little brother and you could see how much fun Mattie was having. Payback time!
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May 2019
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